
Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Because I'm A Mormon

I love General Conference. I love that every April and October I get a chance to wrap myself up in my beliefs and soak in the words of men who are inspired. I find it amazing that in a world that seems to be so crazy right now, there is a place to find a strong foundation. I love that I can go and listen again and again...

April 2011 LDS General Conference

Saturday was a little rough. I felt worn thin. And dag-nabbit...I might have even cried. That's my prerogative as a woman, right? Occasional uncontrolled crying? Well that's my story and I am sticking to it. But truthfully, in so many small ways listening to what prophets have to say today in this day for people living here and now builds me up again.

I only have this to say. If I have one more discussion about marriage in the next 15 minutes, I might need a stress ball. I GOT IT!!!!

Thank you for letting me get that off my chest.

The end.


  1. Yes. That is your prerogative. :) I love conference, but sometimes I wish they wouldn't pick on specific groups of people so much....
