
Sunday, April 10, 2011

Surfing and Other Non-Food Related Topics

You might be hungry when the food-storage kits and freeze dried fruit start to look good.

Some people think about other things when they are hungry. Like surfing.

People with skin as white as mine don't become professional surfers. I'm sure I have the natural skills, so it's tragic that I won't be able to follow my life-long ambition. I am certain that I would miss the ride of a lifetime on "THE ONE" monster wave of awesomeness because I would be back on shore slathering up with SPF 1000 for the tenth time. So I have decided to avoid that tragedy and not pursue my deep passion for riding waves.

North shore of Hawaii is famous for many things. Pat's Bakery. Roadside shrimp carts. Fresh pineapple and mangos and grapefruit...


North Shore is also famous for its winter-time surf. Something about the rotation of the planet and the butterflies flapping their wings in Japan. I don't want to get all technical about it. But the sea creates the giant pounding fists of death that smash unsuspecting tourists against the coral. So this unsuspecting tourist stayed on the sand.

See the black rocks of death hiding in wait right underneath the surface of the water? I thought the sand looked very soft and inviting.

This guy didn't. He looks kind of close, doesn't he?

He really wasn't.

Is it just me or do those rocks look a little like chunks of chocolate?

I grew up around water. Summer days and evenings were spend in a kind of waterlogged bliss as we swam in the neighborhood pool. And we went to the coast often enough that I love the smell of brine. So I get it. I get the thrill that has to come with falling down the face of that mountain of water and the taste when you lick your lips from breaking the surface after you go down.

How much closer to nature can you get?

Except for maybe a hot fudge sunday?


  1. I wasn't hungry until now. gee thanks.

    Also, what are you doing in Hawaii? Why am I not there? These are beautiful photos.

  2. When the Lord asks me what I coveted in life, I will say, "Life on the North Shore." Have a beautiful time!

  3. I am not there now. I was about two years ago. But since it was a happy place and I took a million pictures, I can revisit anytime I want!

  4. I love your attitude Carol. I've been to North Shore too, and never thought about just looking at the pictures to re-visit. I will now!
