
Friday, April 8, 2011

Spring Wardrobe

Happy April 8th.

It looks like a snow globe outside that someone shook up. The snow flakes are fat and falling fast. (How is my alliteration?) Can someone please find that person with their hand on this snow globe and banish them to another hemisphere? I would like the weather to make it to the mid-80's sometime in the next 4 months.

In celebration of this awesome weather, I thought I would sport the most awesome outfit ever today.

Top: T-shirt with a fish. I think it might have been a rainbow trout.
Bottom: Baby blue lounge capris with pink contrast stitching.
Shoes: Ugg boots.

Oh yeah. I rocked it.


  1. I saw it with my own eyes. You looked good!

  2. How come there's no picture so we can ALL enjoy the perfection?

  3. I got lucky and my photography-inclined friend didn't point her camera my way.
