
Thursday, March 17, 2011

Old Photos

I love seeing some of these photos.

This is my grandmother. She is one of the most amazing women I know. She is a fighter and a pioneer in so many ways. 

This is my grandpa. I never got a chance to meet him, but I think he is the one who passed on the quirky sense of humor that runs through my family. And the lack of lips. I can't wait to sit and talk with him one day.

My aunt, my uncle, and my dad. It's a mischievous looking group.

That is my dad as a young and carefree dude. Before six children made him lose all his hair.

There is a group of young punks.

And another group of young punks.

My grandma made these dolls for me and my cousin for our first birthdays. This is the only photo I have of this doll before I pulled all her hair out. But cut me some slack. I was only one! And it took me about 5 years to figure out how to spell "Ish." How creative of a name do you expect me to come up with? I was only one!


  1. Holy smokes! You look like your grandmother! Alarmingly beautiful. Both of you.

  2. This is Tammy.
    Love the picture of grandma!! I remember ish, i always thought it was a cute quirky name. She was well loved.
