
Thursday, July 28, 2011

TP Wars

WARNING: This blog post takes place in the bathroom. Stop now if you are worried. I know I am.

Ok. I am the first to admit that I have my quirks. And I am downright crazy at times. But every now and then I get to witness eccentricity on a whole new level.

Enter the women's bathroom at work.

I have pondered before how one manages to tear off a usable amount of toilet paper from the industrial-sized holders and get "debris." What exactly is the method of removal that creates a two inch square - or several - that fall to the floor like snowflakes? I am baffled. Anywhoo...someone uses this method in the women's bathroom at work. A lot. On a regular basis. And the floor can be clean in the morning and by afternoon there will be 4 or 5 little fluffs of toilet paper hanging out in the stalls. Sometimes only one stall is tagged. Sometimes several.

Background info - there are really only 10 or 12 women who work on my floor, and about 200 guys. So their facilities get a lot more use than ours. Plus sweaty people come down to shower in theirs. I am grateful we have no showers. But we do have a couch. And sometimes people eat lunch there. I'm not judging. Ok, I am. It's a weird place to hang out. And eat. Bottom line - not as much traffic as the men's bathroom, but still people in and out. Not related to the rest of this post. Oh well. It makes sense to get all of my ranting out at the same time.

Back to the false snow. Apparently I'm not the only one who noticed these little flakes of toilet paper. Or how frequently they showed up. So a concerned citizen posted signs on the back of every door...

...and I laughed. Because I thought it was funny that someone was so bugged by this they took the time to create a sign. Then print out 4 copies. And laminate them. And post them. And the bathroom was spotless! Not a speck anywhere. Amazing.

Insert a weekend. Monday afternoon, I was again surprised that my trip to the bathroom got me laughing. That is not my normal experience. Maybe it is for some people. They can post that on their blog.

On this trip I started laughing because there is not a speck of toilet paper on the floor. Instead it is on the back of the toilet. And the top of the toilet paper holder. And tucked into the seat cover dispenser. Serious? Way to follow the letter of the law, and so not the spirit of it.

Where will this battle go next???!!! Any day I expect to hear about a work order to have bidets installed. It is the next logical step. No toilet paper needed.



  1. Oh, how I've missed the 2LL ladies' room (and the 2LL ladies!). Seriously, what could be better?

    Awesome post!
