
Monday, January 9, 2012

One Word

I hold firm in my resolve to avoid making New Years Resolutions. I am not anti-goals. Quite the opposite, in fact. I just don't think for me this post-holiday period of time would really be improved by writing a list that looks something like this:

  1. Get in shape.
  2. Get out of debt.
  3. Be kinder.
  4. Eat less sugar.
  5. Drink less soda.
  6. Find a husband.
  7. Increase my faith.
In defense of the list, I have known people who have made - and successfully achieved - goals relating to every item on this list. They are some of my heros and I constantly look to them as examples. Every one of these is an area of my life that could use some work. But I am already working on those. They are already written elsewhere and don't need a shiny new coat of "resolution." I even have plans written out on how to achieve a couple of those. See? I am not anti-goal.

I was recently talking to a friend who used a single word last year to define her focus. She chose the word "today." She said that as she looked at all of the many things she wanted to achieve, and realized that most of her goals revolved around trying to take one day at a time. In the midst of chaos, it helped her find some peace. When undergoing adversity, that word helped her remember that struggles only come one day at a time. And when the sweet and tender moments with her family came, she was there to savor that as well.

She challenged me this year to try the same thing. She said that if I looked at all of the things that I wanted to work on, I would most likely come up with a single theme to all of them. And I have been struggling! All of the possibilities that ran through my head didn't really seem to fit the bill. Or they weren't one word:
  • Lazy Is Bad
  • Don't Suck
  • Do What You're Supposed To
  • Dream The Impossible Dream
Ok...all but the last one were actually phrases that ran through my head. That one came from some odd Musical portion of my brain. Not terribly inspiring.

Then tonight it hit me. I think I found one word that I would like to use. It is one that I find more than a little intimidating. But also inspiring.


Too often, I think people define love in a very narrow, romantic way. Or it revolves around a very traditional nuclear family consisting of a husband and wife and children. I think sometimes I view love this way. At this stage in their life, the majority of women my age are married and have children. And what intrigues me about spending a year focusing on love is I believe there is so much in my life that is touched and motivated by love. I don't want to spend any time focusing on what my life lacks, but rather how it is abundant. 

So this is my goal. To spend the year focusing on love. How I have it. How I show it. How it is shown to me. 

My first challenge is to go an entire day without using sarcasm. To be sincere.

I just told this to my roommate, and she said "Oh my! That might have to be a day when you lose your voice! Or you don't see anyone else."

Such faith in me. Oh well. I will happily report on my attempt.


  1. Yay! I can't wait to hear all about it. I Love your word. No pun intended! Really, I love it!

  2. Oooh no sarcasm would be HARD - I don't think I could do it, but I DO think you can do it. :) I really love the one-word year themes and I'm glad you found the perfect word for your year!

  3. I love the idea of a one-word theme, but I'm not patient enough to come up with one for me. Maybe mine should be "patient." I'm anxious to hear your thoughts on your Year of Love.
