
Thursday, September 5, 2013

iPhone Photos

Today, for no particular reason, I'm going through photos on my phone. Here are some I've taken over the last few months that make me smile. I like some of them because I think the photo is awesome (don't worry, so far I haven't dislocated my elbow patting myself on the back). For some, its the memory that makes me smile.
This was the view during the first 5K fail Chris and I tried this year. This was about mile 3 of the 5K. (For all of you who are not great at converting kilometers and miles...that is WAY over 5K!) We sort of started with the half-marathon folks. Oops.
My parents were gone during the springtime this year. I was over at their house one day and I snapped a few photos of the garden and trees as everything came to life. This is one of the fruit trees.
One evening as I was driving back from Education Week, this was the cloud that hung over the western horizon. Honestly, can Utah get any prettier sometimes? I don't think so.
I think its in my genetic build to occasionally take on projects that are a little too big for me. One Saturday I decided to re-plant the front flower bed. And expand it. Lucky for me, I have a loving sister and roommate who decided that helping me in the yard was a good plan for that day! I think we ended up with a pretty good result. I'm sorry to say the twisty topiaries didn't make it.
During one of the summer rain storms, I was out on the front porch and saw these ghostly footprints. Spooky! I'm sure there is a perfectly rational explanation like someone waterproofing their shoes on the cement. But I prefer to think this is the exact location where the troubled spirit of a size-9 ghost stands to watch out over my street.
I recently took up a new craft - bow making. (Please see above comment about me being unable to take on projects of an appropriate size!) I think I now own enough ribbon, glue, and clips to make "swag" for about 100 little girls. Please don't judge me.
The Salt Lake temple really lends itself to texture shots. Like pictures you take at night and make black and white.
During one of the summer storms, this amazing double rainbow showed up right over the mountains. I was driving, but stopped my car to watch and take a couple of pictures.
Did I mention these are in no particular order? Jumping back to spring, it seems like the blossoms on Temple Square only last about a week. During one of those days, I ventured out on my lunch break. I'm sure I looked like a dork as I crawled around the flower beds to find just that one shot where the flowers framed the spires of the temple. I think I got it!
Summer storm - part 2. I love it when these happen during the late afternoon hours, and the setting sun catches the clouds just so.

Ok, technically this might not be an actual iPhone picture. But it might still be my favorite! This is a beautiful drawing by my niece. It is of her, me, and my 2 sisters being sucked into a tornado. And I am one of the little guys up at the top. We are smaller because we have been sucked further into the tornado. And we all have capes! If that doesn't make you smile, you should check your pulse. :)

1 comment:

  1. Is the tornado her in mn? I'm guessing I'm not the 3rd sister in the picture because I'm going to recue all of you. ;)
