It has been 10 years since I graduated college with my bachelors degree. On one hand, I can't believe it's been that long! On the other, every one of those years has been amazing and I wouldn't trade them for anything.
This week I had a chance to go walk around campus for a little bit. I love going down for Education Week!
These stone panel things line the walls of the library stairwell. I forgot how awesomely 70's they are.
I spent many hours on the top floor of this library. These desks make a handy place to catch a nap between classes.This library has stacks and stacks of books...
A plethora of books. A gaggle of books. A heap-load of books.
Have I mentioned how cool the library is on this campus? It has some of the best reading and studying spots.
It has skylights that make the basement levels bright and cheery. Bright enough to grow trees.
They hang cool sculptures, just because. It's the thing to do.
The demographic is a little older, but the scene of crowded paths is familiar.
The hike up to the Y is perfect for a Monday night Family Home Evening.
I was pretty happy the clouds decided to roll in yesterday. It cooled things off.
Sometimes I forget how tall the mountains are in Utah County. One of my goals is to make it to the top of Timp in the near future. Near is a flexible term. Like, before I die.
Ah...the bell tower. Chimes out "Come, Come Ye Saints" every hour on the hour.
Universities are so darn photogenic! I hope to keep having the chance to visit every now and then.
Salt Lake is a pretty cool place to visit too.