
Monday, December 31, 2012

End of the Year Musings

At the transition of a year, it is easy to take a few minutes and look back over what the last 12 months have brought to my life. Clear back at the beginning of this year, a friend of mine encouraged me to take a "one word" challenge and spend the year focusing on one specific goal, or at least using that word to help me find a common theme for all of my goals. I chose the word Love. It was a great experience and while many of the thoughts and growth are things I'll keep close, I hope it changed me in only good ways.

Since my first shot at this went so well, I want to give it another try this next year. And I am hoping my amazing and awesome friend does not mind if I forge a parallel path to her this year. As we talked about it, she told me the word she wants to focus on is Courage. I find myself equally in need of developing this particular trait, and I would like to join her in the journey. Or maybe Confidence. Decisiveness? It's a quandary!
Winter is fully here and I love the icicles that are hanging down from my roof. I think they frame the view of the mountains nicely.
I spent the holidays surrounded by my family, and - as always - I remember how much I love those I don't get to see very often. The little boys are so full of life. My brother and sister are both so kind, and my brother-in-law and sister-in-law bring so much to the mix! I am so grateful I get to be a part of their family.
This is about as close as my little niece would let me get to her. As long as she was safe in the arms of one of her parents or one of her handsome nephews (the girl loves men!!) she might consider letting me look at her. My mom later told me that this is karma coming back on me, because I did the same thing to my aunt at this age! Oh well. This little one is a doll with her head of long curly hair and eye lashes that go on for days. She's got my heart whether or not she wants me around right now! I'll win her over.
This little guy has personality like no one's business. He got a mummy book for Christmas. It is one he's checked out from the library before, and he has it memorized. He took it to a talent show and shared with all the other kids the different ways mummies can be made. "THIS one is frozen...and THIS one is dried...and THIS one is wrapped..."
I love that I have family close enough to celebrate milestones together. Birthdays and holidays mean so much more when you get to spend them with those you love.
It's not the size of the fish. It's the size of the fight IN the fish.
That's what I'll tell myself.
When the cold weather comes, I am glad that I get to look back and have minutes like this to pull from my memory bank. It warms my heart even if it doesn't chase the chill from my toes!
I continue to be grateful that I have such a wonderful job in such a great place. There is beauty around me every day, and the people are even better.

All in all, I have to say that this year has helped me appreciate so many blessings I have. There have been some challenges but I think those can make the good time all the better.

Friday, December 14, 2012


I have had a few posts started in my mind for the last couple of days. Posts about a week-by-week breakdown of life with an appendage in a cast. Musings on the Christmas season. Humor about things in life around me that tickle my funny bone.

But somehow, with today's events in Connecticut, all of that seems insignificant. Maybe there is something about being in a place that makes you have greater empathy when a tragedy strikes the area. I felt that way when the earthquake struck New Zealand and did damage to this beautiful cathedral.

My heart hurt when I saw this building in the rubble.

Though I have no significant ties to the area, I did spend a morning driving through the beautiful woods of Connecticut just a few weeks ago. And I ache for the children and families and adults and mothers and fathers whose lives were changed today. I mourn for the loss of innocence those kids experienced in a moment. It does not take much effort to search the memory files in my mind to find events that affected me at that age.

I find it miraculous that so many of those kids will get a hug from their mom or dad and cry a few tears, then be ready to go out and play. The resilience of children really is amazing.

Equally tragic is the earlier shootings this week in Oregon. While the death toll was smaller, those numbers are insignificant. Not because it means less to have 2 people killed verses 26. But just because each individual was someone special. Every single life is precious and tragedy isn't necessarily tied to a number or body count.

I hope I never miss a chance to tell someone I love them. To hug them close and let them know they are important to me. Life can change in an instant.

Thursday, December 6, 2012

The Last Month

The last month has been a good one, but with a few unexpected twists. The first was a quick trip back to Boston for work. I got my first glimpse of the Atlantic Ocean, and spent some quality time admiring the beautiful scenery between research visits. The second day we were there, we finished up right in downtown and walked the Freedom Trail on our way to dinner.

Pretty, isn't it!! I was so grateful for the chance to get to see a little bit of one of the cities central in the founding of this country.

One of the places I got to visit was ESPN. It had me wishing (just a tiny little bit) that I was more into sports, because I think I would have had a better appreciation. However, that didn't stop me from jumping at the opportunity to sit behind one of the broadcast desks when given the chance!
We decided we make a pretty dynamic duo. I'll provide the sarcasm and he can provide the actual sports commentary. Seems feasible.
Did I mention a cute little kid had a birthday right before I left? Look at that face!

So back to Boston...on the night of the Freedom Trail, fate (and my inherent sense of grace) intervened to change my holiday season. One of the cobblestones and I had a little disagreement. Since it had been there longer, I decided it to let it win the argument. My ankle paid the price. **WARNING: Images may not be suitable for people who don't like seeing big bruises and other stuff. These are probably the same people who leave bruises alone. Then there are the rest of us who poke them every 5 minutes and say, "Yup! Still hurts!"
Here is the big beauty on the night I "sprained" it. I can't figure out if I am stubborn, stupid, or just have a high tolerance for pain. I walked on it for a couple miles and a couple more hours that night. Honestly? Looking at this takes me back to the pain...and it hurt!! Luckily I found out one of my co-workers had some sports medicine experience, and he can wrap a mean ankle. We picked up a bandage at a cute little pharmacy in the Italian district. This little old man with a mustache was behind the counter and he was arguing with another old man. I loved the charm of the situation.
By the time I got home, the foot had swollen up pretty good, and check out the bruising!!! This is injury heaven for a bruise-poker like me.
The second coolest part of the injury was watching the progression of the bruise. Every day I couldn't wait to see where it was going to show up next! It made it all the way to my stubby little toes and turned them purple. This is when I learned that orange nail polish does not go well with a bruised foot. The color combo freaked me out and I took it right off after I put it on. At this point, I decided to get a professional opinion. Guess what? My sprained ankle was done broke!
The first doctor was good to me, and decided to put me in a walking boot. The second doctor (specialist) wasn't as nice, and decided that I needed to be in a hard cast. And on crutches. No weight on the foot for a full month!! Yeah, right. I pretty much suck at that, but I am trying. But as a bonus, I got to fulfill one of my silly elementary school wishes and have people sign my cast.
Of all of them, this one might be my favorite. My niece drew a picture of me. With my cast. :)
And since I have to wear FrankenBoot everywhere I go, I decided to glam it up a bit and add some sparkle. This was the concession I made because I decided to be conservative and go with a black cast instead of some crazy color. I do conservative so well. As long as it has some sparkle!
Crutches are kind of hard to use. I was lucky enough during week 2 to get a hook-up for this sweet ride. And then my co-workers thought it needed to be tricked up, so now it has a headlight, tail light, and some sweet green downlight. And sparkly Christmas balls!!

Not that I am counting, but I have a week and five days left until the visit when I hope to have the cast removed. Just in time to go skiing for Christmas! Just kidding.